Monday, December 22, 2014

The Perfect Storm or Taoism?

This year, life has been in full support of me incorporating big changes in my life. I say "big" to differentiate from the fact that life is always changing...but this year feels incredibly significant. I'm eating differently, reconnecting with people that should have always remained a part of my life, gaining clarity on how I would like the rest of my life to look, revisiting and breathing new life into some of my interests and talents.

Why now? There is no other reason except that it is just time. What is it time for? It is time for me to truly pay attention to what is around me and the information that I am being offered. I didn't figure anything out, I sat, watched, listened and encouraged stillness - not rationalizing, since I hold the firm belief that the human intellect can never comprehend the way life works or make it work. The most extensive knowledge does not necessarily make me do the right thing and reasoning will not make me any wiser. A dog is not believed good because he is a good barker and a man is not thought wise because he thinks skillfully. These are the artificial ways of man. In other words, it's more about "revelation," not figuring things out or making choices. Instead I am encouraging life to present itself moment by moment. Or as my mother used to say "What are you worried about? Everything has already happened, you just haven't gotten there yet."

Taking my mother's advice and therefore, dismissing "worry," I have found her statement to be true. The characteristics of life seem to be the most meaningful when, in a deep concentrated way of paying attention fully on the nature of life, it morphs into change and action. "Trying" is pointless and inherently stagnant. It is the "doing," which when you are ready and all things are aligned, will happen. With keener observations, I seem to become an integral part of the change. 

How does this integral change play out in day to day life? Well, for example, I have changed how I eat based on a series of discussions I was sent by someone that I greatly admire. It wasn't information that I hadn't heard before. Believe me, I read all of the books i.e. eating for your blood type, eating raw food, vegetarianism, juicing and more. What it came down to, was that all I was doing was trying to follow someone else's instructions. That never works for me as it has to be more personal than that. (And frankly, the people telling me, were usually A type personalities which right off the bat I begin to discount, because there is nothing an A type personality likes more than a fricking challenge, which is not me because I am inherently lazy). But this time, there were key bits of information that I had never heard before. Now maybe previously someone had said them to me, but I didn't hear them because it wasn't "time" for me to hear them. Add to the fact, I had been in significant pain, tired of feeling bad, backed into a corner and a little bit afraid for my future as I wasn't ready to be a cripple or to have major surgery. What I had before me, was that there was no other way - like a root of a tree that may be stopped by a block of cement, the root found a path and a way to grow. My rational mind, a block of cement, was a blockade. The letting go, the paying attention, the listening, the way the information was put together created the perfect storm, the TAO, if you will, so my new roots could not only grow but grow in a new direction.  

A true Taoist believes that logical thinking is considered as part of the artificial world of man. They were not interested in this world at all, but concentrated their attention fully on the observation of nature in order to discern the characteristics of the Tao. They developed an attitude which was essentially scientific and only their deep mistrust in the analytic method prevented them from constructing proper scientific theories. Nevertheless, the careful observation of nature, combined with a strong mystical intuition developed through observation of nature, led the Taoist sages to profound insights which are confirmed by modern scientific theories.

As logic falls away and intuition and increased awareness take its place, so then, life has reminded me once again, that I am part of the organic world. I am part of the transformation and growth of all things and along with every bud and creature. I, like them have a proper form and time frame in development. In this nature, I have gradual maturing and along with it, gradual decay. As I let go of the old, the withered, the non-useful, space is then created for the constant flow of transformation and change. Once again, I have cosmic proof that we are all one; plant, animal and human, following the nature of harmonic and rhythmical creation. A beautiful co-exsitent life waiting for the perfect storm to facilitate change in all things living.

Huge new study proves organic foods are healthier and more nutritious: results immediately attacked by chemical agriculture industry Read the Article Here

Fried Zucchini Fritters Recipe
Servings: 6-8
Zucchini Fritters
  • 2½ cups coarsely grated zucchini
  • ½ tsp salt, divided
  • 1 large egg, plus one yolk
  • ½ cup all-purpose flour
  • ½ cup feta cheese, crumbled
  • 1 cup finely chopped arugula
  • 2 tsp. finely chopped fresh parsley
  • ½ cup chopped scallions
  • 1 tbsp , plus 2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • ½ cup corn oil
Garlic Yogurt Dip
  • 2 tbsp. plain yogurt
  • 2 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • 1 garlic clove, crushed
  • Salt
  • ¼ tsp. chili powder
  1. In a small bowl, combine all the ingredients for the Garlic-Yogurt Dip. Set aside.
  2. In a large bowl, toss the grated zucchini and ½ teaspoon of the salt. Let stand 5 minutes. Transfer to a sieve and press out excess liquid, and then place the zucchini in a dry bowl.
  3. Add egg, yolk, flour and feta to the zucchini and mix until combined. Toss in the chopped arugula, parsley, scallions, and dill. If the batter is very wet, add 1-2 tablespoons of flour until mixture binds well.
  4. Heat ¼ cup of the olive oil and ¼ cup of the corn oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Working in batches, drop the batter by rounded tablespoonfuls onto the skillet. Flatten and fry the patties until they are golden, about 5 minutes on each side, adding more olive oil and corn oil as needed. Transfer the patties to paper towels to drain excess oil. Serve alongside Garlic Yogurt Dip.